You must ensure that you vehicle is roadworthy. Check you lights and windscreen wipers are all
operational. Top up you windscreen washers, check your tyres are legal and inflated to the
correct pressure (including spare tyre ) Check oil and coolant levels.
Familiarize yourself with the controls of your vehicle. Ensure your four wheel drive, low range
gears and diff locks, if fitted, can be selected. If they are not used regularly they can seize.
SUVs and ‘soft roaders’ are not suitable.
All terrain tyres are essential.
Please arrive at the meeting point 30 mins before tour start time for the driver briefing.
Ensure you have a full tank of fuel on arrival.
You will need to bring enough food and drink for the day.
Tours start at 10.00AM and concluded around 4.30 PM.
Waterproof shoes and coats and warm clothes are recommended.
At the end of the tour it is likely that your lights and number plates may be obscured with mud, it
is your responsibility to carry water and a cloth to remove the mud.
Bring any recovery equipment that you might have, eg tow rope.